
“Our homeschool scout troop wanted to let you know just how much we enjoyed our field trip on April 14 [2023]. It was very interactive as well as informative. The kids appreciated learning about the Native Algonquin’s that lived in the area and how they lived their every day lives hunting, farming, cooking, basket weaving, etc. The necklaces and snacks were a big hit!! Thank you for everything.”

“This was succinct and hands on- kids loved it!”

“Thanks again to you and your team for creating a successful and engaging learning experience for the 3rd graders.”

“The scouts had a great time.  They especially enjoyed going inside the wigwams and getting to feel the various animal pelts.  Thank you again for helping to orchestrate our visit!”

“On behalf of our [adult group] I would like to thank you for the informative and interesting private tour of Nowashe Village. Your tour and delivery of historical information was most enjoyable. Nowashe Village is a special site of Indigenous history and worthy of the awards it has received. Thank you for providing our large group with a positive experience!”